October 15th, 2013 by Ben

The day has finally arrived!  Here’s my music video for the Max Levine Ensemble’s “Ghost Song”!  Just in time for Halloween!  From the album “Mr. Gikokovich 2000-2005: A Retrospective”.  Available for download HERE.

The video is loosely based on a comic David (aka Spoonboy) drew for the original release of “Ghost Song” on the TMLE split with Spirit Animals.

I’m going to try and give a little backstory here, and forgive me if I’m incorrect on everything – I have horrible memory.  I first heard the Max Levine Ensemble around 1999/2000.  I was in high school back in Maryland, and had just recently formed a ska band with my buddies called the Konami Code.  Our guitarist, Darrell, told me that some other kids in the DC scene had started a band, and he played me an mp3 of “Spoonboy’s Revenge” on his computer.  And I remember thinking something like: “Oh this is good.  Like this is actually good.  And they’re a year younger than us?  Wow.”

The Konami Code broke up around 2003, but the Max Levine Ensemble kept going.  And ever since hearing them through those shitty PC speakers, they’ve continued to blow me away with their awesome, ever evolving music, their ability to be sharply political but maintain a sense of humor, and their lyrics.  It’s always seemed like Spoonboy has had the ability to effortlessly convey complex relationships and ideas with a couple of sentences, and then make them rhyme.  Which is always cool.

What I’m saying is, I’ve been a fan of them for years and I’m super glad to have been able to collaborate with them on this music video.  I hope you like it and I hope you check out the Max Levine Ensemble here:

Or was the song I first heard “Curly Brown Hair Love Affair”.  I can’t remember.

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