January 30th, 2014 by Ben

Drawing Doris Mouths

I’m building a head library for a web series or, as the British say a ‘nettie show’, that I’m making.  The stuff I tend to write is pretty dialogue heavy, so I create a group of mouths and expressions (or a library) that I can reuse to save myself some time.  I have three heads I’m creating for this.  A three-quarter head:


And then another, that’s almost in profile:


And finally, a front-facing head – which I’ll mostly use as an in-between for head turns.  See if you can pick it out:

Doris Head Test GIF


I don’t spend as much time on the front-facing head.  In my experience, characters rarely look directly into the camera.  Usually you’re staging shots at an angle that provides depth and clarity as you cut back and forth between subjects.

I put everything on layers so that I can animate each part of her face.  Even the hair is on a layer – just in case I want to do a weird hair gag without having to redraw everything:



Tell me something weird to put on her head – I’ll do it, man.

3 Responses to “HEAD LIBRARIES”

  1. kirun Says:

    hey man this is awesome!
    thanks for posting stuff like this.

    I remember way back you had posts on how you made animation on your blogspot and they really helped me understand the process better. I was super new to it and everything was a mystery but your posts really helped clear things up.

    just wanted to say thanks!
    and good luck with your cartoon!!

  2. Ben Says:

    That’s awesome! I’m glad those posts helped you out. I try and share the very little knowledge that I have.

  3. Ockeroid Says:

    Ditto on what Kirun said!

    You helped me so much with learning lip sync! I remember referencing your charts for every toon I’d make!

    Really awesome to see some of how you set things up again!